

By ACS Bookshop UK on January 27, 2025 in Writing and Publishing | comments

It's National Storytelling Week from the 1st to 9th February and this year's them is to Reimagine Your World.

Is teaching young people resilience the answer to the mental health crisis?

Flooding occurs when water flows onto land that is normally dry. Floods tend to happen when there is heavy rain or snow melts quickly, but floods can also occur when the sea comes into shore or if a dam breaks.

Floods might be a few inches or it can be far more serious. They can last a short period or even days. 

Flash floods can be extremely dangerous and destructive. The flood comes at an incredible speed making it hard to warn anyone of the risk of flood

One in four people in the UK are experiencing mental health difficulties. The UK Government has introduced a new White Paper on Getting Britain Working which looks at supporting people with mental health difficulties.

New Year! New Course!

By ACS Bookshop UK on January 6, 2025 in Business, Careers and Jobs & General | comments
Are you looking to start studying in January?