
We also think of cats as aloof and only wanting us when they want something.  But new research suggests that this is not the case.  Researchers from the US University Oregan State carried out a student involving owners and kittens.  The owner spent two minutes with the kitten, then left the room for two minutes, then returned for two minutes. Seventy kittens were observed doing this.

They found that 64% of the animals seemed less stressed during the reunion than during the separation, which suggests that they had a secure attachment.  Secure attachment is a theory originally developed by Ainsworth in relation to children.  It is the idea that the presence of a caregiver makes the child (or cat) feel comfortable, calm and secure.

The other 36% of the kittens showed signs of insecure attachment in that they were stressed on the reunion. Some wanted cuddles whilst others avoided contact.

The researchers found a similar split of secure and insecure attachment in a study of adult cats, which is similar to the results in studies on dogs and children.

This suggests that our cats can become attached to us in the same way that children and dogs do.

The research has been criticised by Professor Mills of the University of Lincoln. He argued that the study did not look at how the cats reacted with strangers.

So, do our cats bond with us or not?  That really is down to the individual cat.

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Cat Psychology and Training – 100 hour distance learning course