
Can stress be good for us? We often hear of the negative impact of stress.  Chronic or long term stress can affect us both physically and psychologically. 


In the short term, stress can actually have a positive effect.


Stress increases the amount of adrenaline pumping through our bodies.  It prepares us to run or fight. This is known as the fight or flight response. It prepares our body to take action. This fight or flight response can be helpful in improving our performance in the short term.


  • It prepares our body for action
  • It focusses our attention
  • It improves our memory
  • It can increase the functioning of our immune system (in the short term)
  • It heightens our senses.


All in all, stress can prepare our body to do something and hopefully do it well.


Some examples –


A volleyball player is stressed before a match. His stress givens him heightened senses, his body is ready for action, he is focussed and he plays well.


A busy executive has an important report to prepare and a short deadline. Her stress focusses her attention and memory.


Learning to cope with day to day stress in a positive way can help us to avoid the impact of negative stress.


If you would like to learn more about effective stress management –


Managing Stress (short 20 hour online course)

Stress Management (100 hour course)

Certificate in Stress Management

Anger Management

 Managing Stress- Short Course