
Superorder: Neognathae
Order: Piciformes
Families: 5
Species: 396

Examples: Toco Toucan, Collared Aracari, Coppersmith Barbet, Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird, Eurasian Wryneck, Greater Honeyguide, Red-headed Woodpecker, Cardinal Woodpecker, Northern Flicker, Rufous-tailed Jacamar, Swallow-winged Puffbird, Lesser Goldenback
Distribution: Commonly forest dwellers inhabiting temperate areas widely spread around the world (Woodpeckers are an exception as they do not live in Australasia, Antarctica, Greenland or Madagascar).

Anatomy: Piciformes have four strong toes: 2 forward and 2 hind (exceptions include some woodpeckers which can have 3 toes instead), pointed tail feathers and lack down feathers. Although all birds from this order have strong bills, its physical appearance is distinguishable: Toucans, for example, have large coloured bills; Woodpeckers have long and sharp bills; Barbets have short bills.  Woodpeckers have strong neck muscles and thick skulls due to their habit of drilling into trees. Birds from this order vary in size and weight: some of the smaller species such as the Rufous Picolet, can weigh around 9gr and grow up to 9cm ; while larger species like the Toco Toucan can weigh up to 850gr and grow as much as 60cm in length.

Diet: Insectivorous (i.e. termites, ants, butterflies, dragonflies, however, some base their diets mainly on fruits. Some eat small reptiles or rodents.

Behaviour: the majority of them are non-migratory birds. Mainly arboreal and solitary, however, some are gregarious (i.e. Acorn Woodpeckers) and some have developed a terrestrial pattern (i.e. Ground Woodpeckers).

Breeding: mainly cavity nesters, although some nest in tunnels (i.e. Jacamars and Puffbirds); Honeyguides are brood parasites while woodpeckers drill their own hollows. They generally lay between 1 (i.e. Honeyguides) to 8 (i.e. Woodpeckers) eggs and the incubation period lasts between 12-19 days, depending on the species; the chicks are born artricial. Toucans live approximately 20 years.

Main predators: Jaguars and other large felines; birds of prey such as hawks and owls.

Human interaction: Mainly threatened by human encroachment and deforestation or other types of habitat destruction

Interesting facts: Honeyguides are the only birds in the world able to digest beeswax.

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