
ACS Distance Education visits The Edible Garden Show & Good Life Live March 2016Diana Cole of ACS Distance Education visits The Edible Garden Show and Good Life Live held at NAEC, Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire.

This month I attended the Edible Garden Show for three days from 11 - 13 March 2016.  It is the UK’s ultimate ‘Grow Your Own’ event, and high quality products, home-grown produce, food and livestock were on show.   There were also celebrities in attendance giving talks. 
ACS Distance Education visits The Edible Garden Show and Good Life Live March 2016Last weekend saw the Edible Garden Show at Stoneleigh in Warwickshire.  Three of our highly experienced horticultural tutors were at the show and had a great time.  Here, Diana Cole, Yvonne Sharp and Timothy Walker share some images from the show.

Focus and Studying for Adult Learners

By ACS Bookshop UK on March 22, 2016 in General | comments

Focusing on studying can be hard at times.  If you realise you have been sitting looking at your work for an hour and haven’t taken anything in or haven’t even looked at it, then you are wasting your time. Time is precious to adult learners and it is important that you make good use of the time you have available to study.


This blog will give you some tips on how to stay focused.


Can stress be good for us? We often hear of the negative impact of stress.  Chronic or long term stress can affect us both physically and psychologically. 


In the short term, stress can actually have a positive effect.


Individuals can make a difference


              It is very easy to be overwhelmed by the scale of the problem of plant conservation if you spend too much time looking at the plethora of data about rates of extinctions and habitat destruction.  However, there are many examples of individuals who have not been disheartened to the point of inactivity.  These people have triumphed in plant conservation programmes ranging from the planting of 30 million trees in East Africa to the safeguarding of the only UK population of the downy woundwort (Stachys germanica).